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What do I need to bring?

Please bring ALL correspondence with you to your appointment, especially approval letters from ACC or your insurance company.

Please wear appropriate clothing to be assessed and treated in.

If you want to bring a family member, whanau, friend or caregiver to your treatment for support/or translation purposes please let our staff know so appropriate arrangements can be made.

What will my first treatment include?

Your first treatment will include:

  • Your written consent to treatment, please arrive 10 minutes early to fill out the required paper work.
  • A 30 minute detailed assessment of your particular problem.
  • A treatment plan will be discussed and ongoing re-assessment of your progress will be made at each new appointment.

Your Physiotherapist may include:

  • Advice on appropriate activity on each stage of your therapy;
  • Therapeutic massage, stretching; mobilisation and/or manipulative techniques to restore your range of movement;
  • Instructions on appropriate exercises
  • A personalised home exercise programme to ensure a full recovery is maintained
  • advice about returning to work
  • An assessment of your workplace (if requested)

Patient Confidentiality

In accordance with the Privacy Act, all information recorded in your Health records will only be assessed by the Physiotherapists providing your care, and the office staff responsible for record management. All personnel in this practice are bound by their contract to maintain strict patient confidentiality.

Further information to know

  • Please turn off all mobile phones when inside the clinic
  • Some treatments may be hazardous to your health. Please advise your Physiotherapist if you are: pregnant, have a pacemaker, have artificial limbs, have HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis B/C, MRSA
  • Our staff are trained to respond to medical emergencies and have all received training in CPR and first aid
  • We have a fire extinguisher available for staff use. In the event that there is a fire alert please follow the instructions of our staff
  • In the event of a civil emergency i.e. earthquake, tsunami or tornado. Our staff follow the civil emergency instructions contained in the ‘Yellow Pages’


We will always try to provide treatment services that meet your cultural needs.

Please tell your Physiotherapist if there are any aspects of your cultural needs that you wish us to know about that may affect your treatment.


Please tell us if you have any disabilities that you wish us to know that may affect your treatment. Wheelchair access is available to the clinic but not to the toilet facilities.


We need to be advised when clients are under 16yrs of age. Parental consent and supervision are required under that age.

Older people may wish to advise us if there is any special requirement related to their age i.e. you may wish us to give you a note of any exercises to be performed.


Do you understand English?

Our practice uses English as a first language. If you or someone you are here with needs an interpreter, please ask our staff who can help you.

Service Quality

We always strive to maintain a high quality of service here at New Plymouth

Physiotherapy. A copy of the Health & Disability Commissioners Code of Rights is displayed on the wall in our reception area.

We also have brochures available should you wish to know more about your rights.

You are entitled to a second opinion if you so request. If you are unhappy about any aspect of our service, there is a complaint process that you can use to bring any problems to our attention, please ask our staff for a copy if you need one.

There is also a suggestion box available if you want to bring any other matters to our attention.

Antenatal back & pelvic pain patient info
Endometriosis patient info
Pelvic floor patient info
Post-natal back & pelvic pain patient info
Polycystic ovary syndrome patient info
Bowel advice patient info
Hysterectony patient info
post Covid return to exercise guidelines